User Managed Backup - Hot Backup

What is hotbackup?

A hot backup is a type of backup operation that takes a copy of data from a system or database while it is still actively running or "hot."
In other words, the system or application being backed up is not taken offline during the backup process, allowing continuous access to the data for users and applications.
Hot backups are typically used in situations where downtime is not acceptable, and data availability is critical.

How to take hot backup: When we will take hot backup check the Control file, data file, spfile, log file

Step 1 :
  • Show parameter control
      • (or)
  • Select name from v$controlfile;

hot backup
Step 2 :
  • select name from v$datafile;
      • (or)
  • select file_name from dba_data_files;

hot backup
Step 3 :
  • select name from v$logfile;
hot backup
Step 4 :
  • select open_mode,log_mode from v$database;
hot backup
Step 5 :
  • show parameter spfile
hot backup
After completed above steps, go to OS level make one directory (mkdir hotbkp).

hot backup
Now go to db level, backup the control file into the hotbkp directory.

hot backup
hot backup
hot backup
hot backup
hot backup
hot backup
Now go to OS level, copy the datafile into the hotbkp directory.

hot backup
Then move to DB level,

hot backup
Now backup datafile, finally give the end backup query.

hot backup

In conclusion, a hot backup is a backup operation that is performed while a system, application, or database is actively running and serving user requests.

(User Managed Recovery - spfile)